Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Best Me?

This week I did my best.  I got my best score yet, and I tried really hard not to waste any time.
I am still not where I want to be and a long way to get a perfect 110 points for a week, but I did my best.  This blog and 6 week challenge was created to help us become our best and try to create new habits that could help us be happier with what we choose to do with our time.
I for one have create a few new little habits and have become a little better.  Congratulations to me and you for trying to become our best.  I will start this challenge over and it may take years to get a perfect score, then I will have to add more to what I should be doing ;)   But BECOMING is a never ending word and as long as I have not stopped or gone backwards, I will continue to become the best me.

Good luck with future goals.  I hope this helped.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Honestly with the holiday and other projects that I have been working on I didn't even keep track this week. My guess would be that it would be around the same  as last week.
I just wanted everyone to know that we are all human and working hard to do everyday tasks is hard, not to mention keeping track of every little thing.  So honestly I am trying, and I hope that you are too.  I am definitely building better habits and am at least a little more concious about the things I choose to do with my time each day.

We have one more week of the challenge and I am ready again to try to do better.  Good Luck.

Happy Habit Making.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I did much better this week, but it seems that I am not super consistent at the same items on my check list.  I am ALL OVER THE PLACE.  I am not sure if this is the same problems any of you are having, but I seem to doing family home evening one week, but not the next.  one week I am a great exerciser, and the next it is family scriptures.
Oh well, at least we are still trying.“But all things must come to pass in their time. Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is greatD&C 64:32–33
 I got a
this week.  Hoping to keep doing better.
Be not weary my friends.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Just keep Swimming

Ok, vacations and no routines make it so hard for me to work on my goals, but we just need to keep trying.  I got a lame-o
this week and haven't heard from anyone else, but I am going to keep trying even if I am the only one.  Good luck everyone.  I know we can make better habits.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Keep moving forward

Ok.  Even if you fell off the bandwagon all ready, get up and keep going it is all about trying.  I know that I am still lacking in the exercise department, but my family home evenings are down packed or as packed as they can be after doing them 2 weeks in a row.

the score to beat is:


Monday, April 28, 2014

1st Week down

So,  I don't know about you guys but I am really proud of my low score.  Not because it is low and I should be able to easily beat it next week, but because I tried some of the things that I keep telling myself to finally do.
My wish is that you were able to do one more thing than you wouldn't normally do.  :)

I haven't heard from many people so It may just be a couple of us trying this... If you need some motivation, the score to beat this week is:

Friday, April 18, 2014

6 Weeks to a Better Me

Are you tired, run-down, listless?
Do you pop out at parties?
Are you un-poopluar? Well...are you?
The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle...

Lucille Ball - I Love Lucy
I wish it were that easy.

My sister and I have been thinking a lot lately about how we should be doing all the small things that can make us better people.  Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically.  However, everyday I make dumb excuses as to why I haven't exercised or read the scriptures.... I am a mess, and no little bottle will fix it- just some good ol' fashion work.

So we have created the 6 Weeks to a Better Me Challenge.  In this challenge you can keep track of all the small things that you are doing daily and weekly to be a better person.  To help, we have created a points system that helps us remember the little things we need to be doing every day.
Click here to get the adobe versions.
Click here to get an excel spreadsheet.

You are all invited to join with us and try to work on being better.  We are going to begin April 20th, Easter (what better time for a new life?).  Hopefully after working hard for 6 weeks, we will have formed great habits that will continue with us throughout the summer. And if not, then I can try it again.

If you need a little motivation you can send us your end of the week points and we will post the highest weekly score... with no name of course (because it is not that kind of competition), and we can all strive to beat that score for the next week.

Let us know if you want it modified or if you have any questions!!!

P.S. There are not a lot of rules, because "GROWTH" is determined by you.  Also, no one is expecting you to get 105 on week one, or even week six....  I personally struggle with just about everything on the list, so if I can get a 1 when I would normally get a 0 then I count it as success.